Locate your Ruzuku account

When you enrolled in your first course on the Ruzuku platform, you also created your own account on Ruzuku. 

This account is "My Courses" and will contain all of the courses you enroll in:

Within "My Courses," you can access any of your courses, and change your profile information, email address, or password (by clicking your initials or photo at the top of the page and then clicking "Account" in the dropdown menu).

You can access "My Courses" from any device at any time with this link: https://courses.ruzuku.com/

When you enroll in your next course, you'll be asked to provide your email address. 

Tip: Be sure to use your account's registered email address, so that your new courses are placed in "My Courses" with your other courses.

This article is for the new version of Ruzuku. Click here for the instructions for the legacy version.

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