Delete a course

Please bear in mind that deleting a course is irrevocable! There's no undo and no going back.

Important Note: If any students have an active subscription or payment plan in your course, you must remove them from the course (to cancel their subscription or payment plan) before deleting the course. Otherwise, their billing will continue, even if the course is deleted from your account.

So make absolutely sure you want to delete the course before following these instructions!

How to Delete a Course

If you have students enrolled in your course: 

In order to be able to delete your course, you will first need to remove all of your students from the course and ensure the course is closed for signups.

You can do this with one click by archiving the course in your "My Courses" menu:

And then you'll see an option like this to remove all students at once:
Once all students are removed and the course is closed for enrollment, you should see the option to delete your course in the Manage Course menu.

If you do not have students enrolled in your course: 

Access your "My Courses" menu and click "Delete course"

A confirmation window will appear.

Type the word DELETE in all caps just as it appears. 

Press Delete Course.

Your course is now deleted.

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