Marketing & Selling
- Get started with Ruzuku (Guides)
- Setup the Zapier integration to communicate between Ruzuku and another system
- Send free invitations to securely enroll students
- Learn all course options with the "Manage Course Menu" - overview
- Setup price points and sales page
- Find links for price points and sales page
- Understand the student registration process options: overview
- Offer discounts and free trials using coupons
- Launch a course using the checklist
- Accept payments with Ruzuku price points
- Join Ruzuku support Office Hour sessions
- View your course dashboard for a quick course overview
- Use other shopping carts or payment tools
- Test the payment and enrollment process
- Create a free webinar "mini course" to bring in prospects for a full paid course
- Setup a PayPal integration
- Set limits on price points
- Change or delete a price point
- Copy a sales page from one course to another
- Enroll Students for free (paid for course outside of Ruzuku)