Create a new user - student, guide, or admin (Pro)

As an administrator, you can create new users anytime in your Ruzuku Pro Site.

  1. Select "Manage Site" from your photo or initials in the top right corner of your Ruzuku Pro account
  2. Click on People.
  3. Use the search function to be sure that the new user doesn't already have an existing account.
  4. To create a new user, click the "Create New User" button.
  5. Fill out all fields and select the appropriate role (Student, Guide, or Admin)

Send the new user their email address and the password you set, along with your Pro Site URL to login.

Student Role - the account can be added to any courses on your site as a student

Guide Role - can be a student, but also the account can create new courses under their name/email, courses can be copied to the account to be taught, and the account can be added as a facilitator to existing courses

Admin Role - same as student and guide, but also the account will have the same permissions as the account owner (access to the Manage Site menu)

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