Add and organize your course content with Modules and Lessons

Add and organize your course content with Modules and Lessons

The Modules & Lessons section can be accessed in the "Manage Course" menu  — Not sure where to find the "Manage Course" menu? Follow the first steps listed here.

Modules & Lessons are Ruzuku's system for organizing course content.

Modules are the basic organizational structure of Ruzuku. Modules in Ruzuku don't have any content of their own. Instead, they act like headers or containers for groups of content (learn how to create a module here).

Lessons, on the other hand, are the basic building blocks of your course. Lessons are where you'll place the content for your courses - videos, audio files, PDFs, discussion questions, etc. Lessons are grouped together under a single Module. By completing Lessons, your students will come to understand the concepts you are teaching (learn how to create a lesson here).

Individual Lessons should focus on a single task, like watching a video, reading an article, completing an assessment, or putting something into practice. Lessons also serve as the "to-do list" for your students. Each time someone completes a Lesson, she marks it as complete. Checking off the Lesson provides your students with an immediate sense of completion and progress.

There is no system limit to the number of Modules you can create on Ruzuku, or the number of Lessons. However, we recommend that you keep in mind that your students are fitting in your coursework around lots of other priorities. The easier you can make it for them to consume and take action on your content, the higher your students' chances of success.

Tip: Add a welcome or orientation lesson to a course

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