Enroll Students for free (paid for course outside of Ruzuku)

Many times, you may have create a course but are taking payment for the course outside of the Ruzuku platform. You may be wondering how to bring in the students who have paid for the course outside of the usual Ruzuku payment flow. 

There are two ways you can bring in students who have paid for the course outside of Ruzuku.

  • You can manually invite them using a student invitation from the student dashboard: Send free invitations to securely enroll students. This can not be automated since you will manually need to paste the emails in the invitation box to send the invitations to the students. However, this is the most secure way to bring in students since these emails are tied to the email address and can't be used if forwarded to someone else.
  • Another option, is to create a free price point or free coupon for the course. Then use the link for either the free price point or coupon and have it in their confirmation email sent after payment. The student will receive this email with the link and can click on it to enroll and access the course.

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